
March 23

It's been a long month waiting to see this little one for the first time.  Today was our first OB visit with Dr. Joseph.  I have the pleasure of working with my doctor and know that I picked the very best one!  He also has a sense of humor congratulating me and Seth on triplets the first time he walked into the room....haha...we had already made sure there was only one in there.  However, everything went well.  We got to see our little peanut for the first time....or "blob" as Seth calls it.  We got to hear the little heartbeat and were amazed that the little embryo was already wiggling all around.  I'm exactly 8 weeks along today so our due date is 11/3!!!  If the little one makes it to the 11th, the birthday would be 11/11/11 which would be neat.  We got a long ways to go before we're thinking of that though. 

As for me I'm feeling how I'm sure most early pregnant women feel.....wondering why in the world they call it "morning sickness"  when it seems to be striking me anytime throughout the day and at times ALL day.  I just keep telling myself that I'm grateful that I'm not actually sick....that would be miserable.  Just waiting for that second trimester to come along which I hear is when I'll start feeling better.

OK...next on the agenda....12 week ultrasound on April 19! but here are some pics from today....

 Don't get too excited....Yes, I may look slightly rounder in the tummy area than the last pic, but I don't think it's baby.....I think it's cheeseburgers....which on most days, all I'm able to tolerate.

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