
April 19

Today was our second ultrasound.  Wow, it's amazing how fast this little one has grown, and I couldn't believe I couldn't feel all of that movement going on!!  Our little one was stretching and moving all over the place....just amazing.  This was such a fun visit because again, I work with the doctor who saw us...Dr. Wright.  I see her everyday at work so she was quite surprised to see us sitting there when she walked into the room....not knowing I was pregnant.  I also sometimes work with the sonographer who did our scan so it was just an extra special visit all around.  Everything is going good.  The baby is growing normally.  My pesty fibroid is of some concern though so we'll be followed by this doctor throughout my pregnancy.  She is a high risk pregnancy specialist.  All this is fine with me!!!  We're positive that everything is going to be just fine....on the bright side, we'll get to see the baby a little more frequently than we thought. 

Baby G waving Hello!

A big stretch!

12 Week Tummy!

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