
35+1 weeks.

Today Silas was more cooperative and passed his test!!  I'm able to continue working for now....which was up in the air until today.  Another ultrasound for us in a week, and I have a feeling this will be a weekly event (if not more frequent) until his delivery.  It's tough making it now to 2 appointments a week (my OB and ultrasounds) but we really appreciate what a close eye our docs are keeping on me and the baby. 


35 weeks...September 29

So today was our repeat ultrasound to make sure the fluid around Silas (AKA Baby G) wasn't increasing.  It thankfully decreased to 22...it was 27 and normal is below 20.  However, we had another test called a biophysical profile (BPP), which checks for movement, tone, and breathing movements in him.  Well, he was not being too cooperative and didn't show the sonographer any breathing movements so off to the hospital we went for extended monitoring.  In the end everything was ok and we got to go home, but we will return the next day for ANOTHER ultrasound. 

34 weeks!

Well today was supposed to be our last ultrasound, but we found out that the fluid around the baby is high.  He weighs approximately 5 lbs 13 oz.  Because of the high fluid, I've been put on 8 hr shifts and we bought ourself another ultrasound in a week.


Baby Shower at Mallory Creek. September 24.

The Grandparents minus Mimi and Frank.
                              Mom and MaryAnn revealing the baby's name for the first time.

Emily, Carla, and Laura.

Mom and JO.
Sideways but mom measuring my tummy.

Holding up Donna's awesome clothesline gift.

Someone thinks he's coming before Halloween!!  Let's hope so.

Showing some goods.

Me and Aunt AK!

Me and Aunt Emily.

The video of mom and MaryAnn finding out the name for the first time....my mom is a great actress.